Cijfers en getallen
Das Hexeneinmaleins
uit: Faust I
Goethe (1749-1832)
Die Hexe:
Du mußt verstehn!
Aus Eins mach Zehn,
Und Zwei laß gehn,
Und Drei mach gleich,
So bist du reich.
Verlier die Vier!
Aus Fünf und Sechs,
So sagt die Hex,
Mach Sieben und Acht,
So ist's vollbracht:
Und Neun ist Eins,
Und Zehn ist keins.
Das ist das Hexen-Einmaleins!
Klik hier voor een oplossing >>
Linda Pastan (1932 -)
My husband gives me an A
for last night's supper,
an incomplete for my ironing,
a B plus in bed.
My son says I am average,
an average mother, but if
I put my mind to it
I could improve.
My daughter believes
in Pass/Fail and tells me
I pass. Wait 'til they learn
I'm dropping out.
Qui a tiré la queue du chien?
Corinne Albaut
Qui a tiré la queue du chien?
C'est le lutin numéro 1.
Qui a perdu mon bonnet bleu?
C'est le lutin numéro 2.
Qui a mangé les chocolats?
C'est le lutin numéro 3.
Mais les trois lutins
ont juré que c'était moi.
Liedchen aus alter Zeit
Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)
(nicht mehr zu singen!)
Eins. Zwei. Drei. Vier.
Vater braucht ein Bier.
Vier. Drei. Zwei. Eins.
Mutter braucht keins.
Michael Rosen (1946- )
If I was a Roman
I think I would hate
a number like 98.
Roman times
was when
ninety was written then
as a hundred
take away ten.
But you see
a hundred
was a 'C'
and a ten was an 'X'
but the 'X'
didn't come next.
A hundred and ten
was written 'CX'.
What they said
was: write 'XC' instead
But that's not all - wait,
because you need the eight
which you made out of a five
and a three
but what was a five?
A five was a 'V'.
And in Roman sums
a three looked like three ones
but a one was an 'I'
(don't ask why!).
So you wrote an 'X' and a 'C'
followed by a 'V'
then an 'I' and an 'I' and an 'I' to make
Comptine de la poule
Pierre Coran (Eugène Delaisse) (1934 -)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Moi je compte jusqu'à neuf
Avant de pondre mon oeuf
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Si je compte jusqu'à six
Mon oeuf est en pain d'épices
1, 2, 3,
Si je compte jusqu'à trois
Mon oeuf est en chocolat
Das Perlhuhn
Christian Morgenstern (1871-1914)
Das Perlhuhn zählt: eins, zwei, drei, vier.
Was zählt es wohl, das gute Tier,
dort unter den dunklen Erlen?
Es zählt, von Wissensdrang gejückt,
(die es sowohl wie uns entzückt):
die Anzahl seiner Perlen.
Carol Ann Duffy (1955 -)
Eight 8-year olds
sat in a tree
swinging their legs.
How high have we climbed? Asked one.
What if we fall!
Another one said.
Look at the sky!
shrieked a third.
Said the fourth, Why is it red?
We're so small
sobbed a fifth.
And young! Wept a sixth.
Said the seventh,
We're motherless birds
in a nest.
But for how many years,
how many years are we all?
sang the one in the yellow dress.
Pierre Coran (Eugène Delaisse) (1934 -)
Un jour, 1 voulut
Jouer au cerceau
Avec le zéro.
Il courut, courut
A en perdre haleine
Jusqu'à la dizaine.
Alors, par caprice,
1 devenu 10
Dribbla la centaine,
Tripla le zéro
Et s'arrêta pile
En plein dans le 1 000.
Rechenaufgabe unter Tränen
Christine Nöstlinger (1936- )
3 + 4 = 7
Du hast mir einen Brief geschrieben.
7 + 1 = 8
Der hat mich traurig gemacht.
8 + 2 = 10
Willst mich nicht wiedersehn.
10 – 6 = 4
Es liegt dir nichts an mir.
4 – 1 = 3
0. K., ich gebe dich frei!
3 – 2 = 1
Aber Glück wünsch ich dir keins!
hier om het gedicht te beluisteren >>
Michael Rosen (1946- )
In French you're quatre-vingt-onze.
That means four-twenty-eleven.
So if French people see you, 91,
they think you're
four times twenty plus eleven.
When I see you
I think of you as
ninety plus one.
A little bit more than something quite big.
Maybe, if I stop and think about it
I see you as
ten times nine and a little bit more.
If we had to change what to call you
I could put up with calling you
...but four-twenty-eleven?
I don't think so.
hier voor ontelbaar veel Franse aftelrijmpjes >>
Jürgen Spohn (1934-1992)
1 Wenn Hasenkinder
2 rechnen üben
3 dann tun sie das
4 mit gelben Rüben:
5 Drei und drei
6 und eins
7 ist süben
90 minutes
Michael Rosen (1946- )
They say you're full-time,
the end of the game.
A game of football lasts 90 minutes, they
You can find it in the rule book,
and managers and coaches say things
'They played well for the full 90 minutes...'.
But you're never 90, are you?
There's injury time in the first half.
There's the half-time break.
There's injury time in the second half.
Really, if you're honest, Ninety,
you're never less than 107, are you?
Sometimes when
one team is a bit slow coming out for the
second half
when the tackles are coming in hard
and players are being stretchered off,
and the goalkeeper is mucking about,
and the substitutes are taking ages
coming on -
you're more like 114.
I think you're only pretending to be 90.
It's some kind of trick to make us think
everything is neat and tidy.
Tidy Ninety.
But you're not 90.
You're Notninety.
Ernst Jandl (1925-2000)
Robert Morgan (1944 -)
The secret relationship
of line and circle, progress
and return, is always known,
transcendental and yet
a commonplace. And though
the connection is written
it cannot be written out
in full, never perfect, but
is exact and constant, is
eternal and everyday
as orbits of electrons,
chemical rings, noted here
in one brief sign as gateway
to completed turns and
the distance inside circles,
both compact and infinte.
Hans Manz (1931- )
W8eln in Sch8eln
und l8en:
„Auf der W8,
um Mittern8
werden Feuer entf8
und die W8eln geschl8et,
wir haben lange genug geschm8et.“
d8en die W8eln,
„wir öffnen mit Sp8eln
die Sch8eln,
denn der Verd8,
daß man uns hinm8,
ist angebr8“,
und entflogen s8,
abends um
Michael Rosen (1946- )
When we found you out
we changed the world.
We found atoms.
We found the hearts of atoms.
We found energy in the hearts of atoms.
We created names for the energy in the
hearts of atoms:
the neutron and
the proton.
We were changing the world.
We found rocks.
We found rocks that we called
pitchblende and carnotite.
We found melted down pitchblende and
carnotite and made a silvery metal.
We created a name for it:
We found in the heart of a uranium atom
92 protons.
We found neutrons and protons in the
heart of uranium.
We found 235 neutrons and protons in the
heart of some uranium atoms.
We created a name for them:
Uranium-235 isotopes.
We were changing the world.
We were changing the world
faster and faster.
We found out that a neutron can be hurled
at a uranium-235 isotope.
We found out that if we hurl a neutron at a
uranium-235 isotope we would start off
that wouldn't end until it made the biggest
bang in history.
We created a name for it:
a chain reaction.
We found out that we could make it
We found out that we could make it
happen by starting the chain reaction.
We found out that we could make it
happen by starting the chain reaction
in a bomb.
We created a name for it:
an atomic bomb.
Changing the world.
Changing the world.
And we did just that.
We made it happen.
Atomic bombs
dropped on Japan.
We found out that hundreds of thousands
of people died in a flash.
We found out that thousands of people
died of burns
We found out that thousands of people
died from the ash
that fell from the sky.
We found out that thousands of babies
have been born damaged
by what the bombs did to their parents.
The cities already had names:
Hiroshima and
We had changed the world.
Now we found out how to make bigger
and bigger flashes
and we created even more names:
Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear bombs
Hydrogen bombs.
And we find that America has got them.
We find that Russia, Britain, France,
China and Israel have got them.
Maybe we will find out that India, Pakistan
and Iraq have them too.
We created a name for that:
Nuclear proliferation.
And we find out that it all costs
millions and millions and millions of
millions and millions and millions of
millions and millions and millions of
And we find out that would be enough
money to stop
anyone anywhere in the world
ever being hungry ever again.
And I will create a name for that:
When we found you out
we changed the world.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
eine alte Frau kocht Rüben,
eine alte Frau kocht Speck -
und du bist weg!
1234 Eckstein
Alles muß versteckt sein
Hinter mir und vorder mir
Gibt es nicht
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
die Stiege kracht,
das Haus fällt ein,
du musst es sein!
Carl Sandburg (1878 1967)
Arithmetic is where numbers fly like pigeons in and out of your head.
Arithmetic tells you how many you lose or win if you know how many you
had before
you lost or won.
Arithmetic is seven eleven all good children go to heaven-or five six
bundle of sticks.
Arithmetic is numbers you squeeze from your head to your hand to your
pencil to your
paper till you get the answer.
Arithmetic is where the answer is right and everything is nice and you
can look out of
the window and see the blue sky-or the answer is wrong and you have to
start all
over and try again and see how it comes out this time.
If you take a number and double it and double it again and then double
it a few more
times, the number gets bigger and bigger and goes higher and higher and
arithmetic can tell you what the number is when you
decide to quit doubling.
Arithmetic is where you have to multiply-and you carry the multiplication
table in your
head and hope you won't lose it.
If you have two animal crackers, one good and one bad, and you eat one
and a striped
zebra with streaks all over him eats the other, how many animal crackers
will you
have if somebody offers you five six seven and you say No no no and you
say Nay
nay nay and you say Nix nix nix?
If you ask your mother for one fried egg for breakfast and she gives you
two fried eggs
and you eat both of them, who is better in arithmetic, you or your mother?
Kurt Schwitters (1887-1948)
Eins Zwei Drei Vier Fünf
Fünf Vier Drei Zwei Eins
Zwei Drei Vier Fünf Sechs
Sechs Fünf Vier Drei Zwei
Sieben Sieben Sieben Sieben Sieben
Acht Eins
Neun Eins
Zehn Eins
Elf Eins
Zehn Neun Acht Sieben Sechs
Fünf Vier Drei Zwei Eins.
Vachel Lindsay (1879 1931)
Old Euclid drew a circle
On a sand-beach long ago.
He bounded and enclosed it
With angles thus and so.
His set of solemn graybeards
Nodded and argued much
Of arc and of circumference,
Diameter and such.
A silent child stood by them
From morning until noon
Because they drew such charming
Round pictures of the moon.
Ein Casus Anatomicus
Gottfried August Bürger (1747-1794)
Der Kaufmann Harpax starb; sein Leichnam ward sezieret;
Und als man überall dem Übel nachgespüret,
So kam man auch aufs Herz, und sieh! er hatte keins:
Da, wo sonst dieses schlägt, fand man das Einmaleins.
John Agard (1949- )
I've seen three blind mice
minus their tails.
I've seen five and twenty tailors
riding on a snail.
I've seen nine dancing maidens
round an ancient druid tree.
I've seen a cave make way
for all of forty thieves
at the sound of Open Sesame.
I've seen a thousand stars
in a twinkling galaxy.
But between you and me
I've never seen a pack of cards
of exactly fifty-three.
Michael Rosen (1946- )
E89 RGX - my reg.
My number plate.
My number.
My car.
No one else has got that number.
I wonder who's got
E88 RGX...
I wonder who's got
E90 RGX...
Hello E88 RGX.
Hello E90 RGX.
I'm Michael
and I'm writing to tell you
that E89 RGX
is a broken down old brown
Nissan Bluebird Estate.
The door got smashed in
so I ordered a new one
and it isn't quite the same colour.
The windscreen leaks.
The back of the driver's seat
is falling off
so I've got it taped up with parcel tape
and the springs are coming through
so I have to sit on a yellow cushion
to stop me getting my backside spiked.
The hatchback door doesn't lock
and if you don't bang the door handles
back in
the doors won't close.
We've got a plastic jellyfish
who used to be
tied up and dangling from the mirror.
His name is Colin.
He escaped.
Now he sits in the
cubby hole in the dash.
Quite often thieves get into E89 RGX.
Once they stole the radio.
It didn't work anyway.
Now they get in,
throw the window sponge around
rummage through the rubbish bag
and then go away.
They don't want an old brown Nissan
Bluebird Estate.
And they don't want Colin.
That's my story E88 and E90.
What's yours?
John Agard (1949- )
As 56
is double
or to put it simply -
the sum of a pair
of un-leap year
for a March breeze
to blow through
your spring tide dreams
and a mad March moon
to leap
your hairbrained sleep.